Pathway Analysis using Logistic Regression
Browse Concept Types
Concept Type | Category | Concept Size |
GO Biological Process | Functional Annotations | 4566 |
GO Cellular Component | Functional Annotations | 643 |
GO Molecular Function | Functional Annotations | 1264 |
KEGG Pathway | Functional Annotations | 222 |
Panther Pathway | Functional Annotations | 98 |
Biocarta Pathway | Functional Annotations | 215 |
pFAM | Functional Annotations | 767 |
EHMN Pathway Gene | Functional Annotations | 59 |
Protein Interaction (MiMI) | Interactions | 8999 |
OMIM | Literature derived | 142 |
MeSH | Literature derived | 6001 |
Metabolite | Other | 959 |
Cytoband | Other | 1151 |
Transcription Factors | Targets | 241 |
Drug Bank | Targets | 293 |
miRBase | Targets | 149 |

Copyright 2010 The University of Michigan
Developed under the support of the NIH/National Library of Medicine
Grant # R01 LM008106 ("Representing and Acquiring Knowledge of Genome
Regulation") and the National Center for Integrative Biomedical
Informatics (NCIBI), NIH Grant # U54 DA021519 01A1
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